

Filed under: 未分類 — matt @ 22:26:10


コメント (5) »

  1. A rolling stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this arteilc.

    コメント by Cecile — 2014年5月12日th @ 17:27:22

  2. This artcile keeps it real, no doubt.

    コメント by Miu — 2015年2月18日th @ 21:10:34

  3. At last, sooenme who knows where to find the beef

    コメント by Vanessa — 2015年3月28日th @ 5:12:05

  4. I am so with you! I’ve been feeling this way too and I’ve a been a bit embarrassed because I truly I wouldn’t change anything. I have a wonderful husband and I love our life. But damn how cool would it be to just take off with a bunch of wild gals and road trip like we were 20. Only we have more money now! Let’s go!

    コメント by auto insurance quotes SC — 2015年4月2日nd @ 1:09:44

  5. Hey Nick,Thanks for the tutorial.What’s the render pass that shows greyscale shadows before the final pass is applied?Also, I have a fun question. How would you make a simple glowing object that casts light onto nearby objects.For instance, how would you make one of the balls in your example glow like a light bulb?Cheers.

    コメント by auto insurance — 2015年4月5日th @ 4:27:52

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